Friday, March 2, 2012


  So, in two months it will have been a year since my last post - see, I told you I was a terrible blogger in my last post over a year ago.  So much has happened last year that I forgot I even had one.
   Example - my fifteen year old son had two hip surgeries - his hips have been slowly dislocating over his life time because of his inability to walk - that was just his right hip that had surgery, eventually we'll have to do his left hip too.  We also got a trip to Disney World and some of its surrounding attractions back in March of last year too, thanks to Make A Wish.  Thank goodness we did it then.  Andrew has gained 20.6 pounds since then and there is no way we could have done the things we did with him weighing that much.  Not to worry about the weight gain though, he really needed to gain it <3
  Josh and Anna are doing well.  Anna still loves school, Joshua still hates it - lol.  This year Josh is getting a home introduction to basic cooking - he still wants to be a chef, his chosen profession since he was two (when he said he wanted to be a candy man ^_^).
     Hubby is still plugging away at work and I am sort of getting back into writing a little but not much.  My wind kinda got knocked out of my sails as I began studying writing and found out I still have much to learn.  I wish I never published or went 'professional' with it.  When I wrote to just amuse myself, I loved writing.  Now when I write, I'm so critical over what I write that it has lost its luster and amusement - not just of what I write but of other peoples' work as well.  I know a story is good (or movie), that if I'm so lost in it that I don't think about how and where a person filmed it or all the mistakes made in the writing or film, I know that's a good story.  I don't tend to lose myself much any more but occasionally I do.
    This year we are starting to get things together and whatnot to do Andrew's custody case when he is 18.  What I am told is that because of his level of disability, the state will want to put him into a nursing home and have control over all medical decisions and financial decisions concerning him.  Both my husband and I want to continue as we have been with Andrew.  Keeping him in a warm, personal and loving environment with caregivers to relieve us here and there.  We're so terribly in love with our little boy, whose going on 16 in a few days.  I would hate to lose my sweet child.  Some people see it as a burden but we couldn't imagine our lives without him in it.  Sure, we miss out on a few things, but nothing we really care enough about to see it as a burden.  We still go out nearly every year to Washington and Oregon to visit family and such.  We still find many ways to enjoy ourselves here in Idaho.  Our kids are happy and well adjusted, especially compared to a lot of other peoples kids who don't have disabled children and have plenty of money and time to do whatever suits them in many cases.  Both of my younger children already know what future careers they want and are working hard to achieve them - more than I had when I was twice their age.  So anyway, I can't see why we would be denied his custody and neither does are lawyer... at least for the time being.  Who knows what the next two years will bring before us. <3
   I have also been focusing on organizing my house this year, including de-cluttering.  Amazing how 17+ years can have you accumulating so much stuff!!!  We are long overdue for this to happen. ^_^  I'm also trying to lose weight, again.  Since I got pregnant with my daughter, over 8 years ago, I went off the best 'lifestyle of eating' diet I had ever been on.  Mostly because I was pregnant with my daughter but also because so many people gave me flack for eating a low carbohydrate diet.  So, two days ago I went back on it.  First because carbs have always made me feel so horrible - at least more than what I am using now which is now back under 20 carbs a day.  Second, I weigh more now than I ever had in my entire life - this is from eating meals that are considered healthy and well balanced... Go figure.  So, not to be rude, but I'm leaving that whole FDA approved diet behind me - since it is doing more harm than good - and am starting back on the low carb.  Does it work - UH... YES!  In three days, eating to my hearts content, only watching my carb intake and nothing else, I have lost four pounds!  I feel great, have more energy - goodbye to morning breath too!  The only other thing I have added in the last month is Passion Flower extract - helps me to sleep better at night.  I was having a horrible time sleeping more than two or three hours a day, or if I was really lucky, I would get two, two or three hour segments.  Now I sleep all night long and went from being a total grump in the morning with terrible grogginess to a happy momma - such a nice change.  I've never been a morning person but now I am quite content in the mornings.
     Anyhow, I am taking in more carbscarb fruits.  When things make you sick, you tend to lose your liking of them... at least that was my experience.
     So, that's really all there is to tell.  Actually, there is more medical stuff with Andrew - including a surgery that nearly killed him the end of 2010 and the loss of several family members whom we miss dearly.  But, my hubby was up all night with the pager again and will be home soon.  He's due for some severe pampering <3.  He also is taking our sweet 7 year old daughter to a dance tonight, so I'm guessing he'll want to eat and go to bed for awhile.
     Well, if you made it this far on this post, thanks for reading it all the way through :-P.  God bless you and keep you and bring you peace through his everlasting love.
