Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Andrew's Upcoming Surgery

OK, so April 22, 2010 Andrew is going in for a major surgery to a Baclofen Pump Insertion.  Basically the pump delivers medication that will keep his muscles relaxed, they are VERY tight right now and it has become painful for him and difficult for those who take care of him to manage his daily care. 

Anyhow, the pump is about the size of a hockey puck and will be placed inside his tummy and it will have a tube that will run up to his spine, in the neck area because his spine has been fused below that. 

Front View to Spine.  The x-ray shows rods, screws and wires that were used in Andrew's Spinal Fusion.

Side View of Spinal Fusion and rods.

The pump will give him doses of medication throughout the day.  About once every six months, maybe less, we have to go in so more medication can be inserted into the pump.  This is done through the skin and into the 'hockey puck'.

Currently, Andrew is taking the pill form of Baclofen but through the pill he only recieves about 10% of the medications effect, where through the pump, he will benefit from 97%.... a huge difference.  A couple or so weeks ago we underwent a trial form of the medication and you would not believe the difference it made and how happy he was.  The little guy was smiling and laughing and jabbering on and on like you wouldn't believe, a totally different kid.

My only concerns, besides the fact that he has to undergo yet another surgery, is that there are risks to this.  With the trial proceedure, his heart rate had fallen really low but they eventually got it to stabilize, especially after I came back to the recovery and worked with Andrew some.  A mother's voice and touch can do wonders ^_^.  Also, because of how they will have to do this particular surgery (normally the tube goes in the lower spine vs. the neck) it will be much more invasive.  I know that everything is in God's hands and it will all work out according to his Will but I still feel anxious about the amount of hardships that we will face in the next coming weeks because of it.

Well, for now that is all I have to write on this.  I will keep you posted when I learn more or if there are any changes.


  1. The little dots and hollow rectangle shapes are from the brace he was wearing and are not a part of what was placed in him. Just FYI ^_^

  2. I pray that all will be well. It is true, it all is in God's hands. Hopefully, with him absorbing 97% of the medicine, Andrew will be a more happy person. I love you guys so much and I will be praying for all of you.

  3. I hope all will go well with Andrew's surgery and also with you, Jen, and the other caregivers, like Connie. I really hope this helps in the long run as it's suppose to be.


  4. Jennifer it is getting closer, we are and will continue to pray for Andrew, you and your whole family. It will be such a wonderful thing if he can get relief from all the pain that he has. It will be fun for you in the months that follow for uyou to experience him enjoying life more. may God richly Bless you Jennifer.

  5. You know I'm praying - for all of you. Andrew's life can be SO much more enjoyable & comfortable. Lots and Lots of love, Mom

  6. I'm having a difficult time staying calm about it all. Thankfully my doctor increased my meds to deal with the anxiety attacks recent and upcoming events I have been having. I hate taking meds, but it would be really bad if I wasn't using them.


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