Friday, March 19, 2010

Am I Bad?

OK, I allowed Google to put ads on my page because I earn money each time someone clicks on them. So click away if you want to help out a housewife with a disabled child.... uhm, I'm sure there are other reasons I can come up with to 'convince' you. Best of all, you don't actually have to buy anything. All it will cost you is a few seconds of your time. ^_^


  1. I also earn commission on anything you buy at Amazon if you link on it from my site. Pretty cool huh!!!! Happy shopping ^_^

  2. Hi! SO happy to get that picture on my computer/s FINALLY! My printer "lost" contact with 'puter and was still waiting on dad to scan it. Now I can show N brag :-) Can't wait for you all to vist. Luv Ya ~ Mom

  3. Kranberry.....
    Go to customize, then click on add a gadget, then 'Featured' out of the left hand menu and there are several Amazon apps you can add. However, you do have to set up an account with them first, but it is relatively easy to do if you go through this website to set the app up.

    Thanks <3

  4. Oh, Karrisa, I just relized you were Kranberry, lol. How is your hubbies books coming? Hey, invite me to a scentsy party next month. I would like to get something for my kitchen... Maybe the dining room as well. I don't want to have a party here, the house is too small but I would love to go to one. Besides, I still haven't met you in person yet. ^_^


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