Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reflections of an Idaho mom

This time, I just wanted to share with you the story, what I know of it, of a very beautiful woman who was like a mother to me.  I only knew her for a short time before the Lord took her home but she meant the world to our family and we loved her dearly.  God knew we needed her and her loss is still felt but we know that she is home with our Lord and probably still praying for us at least three times a day, as she did when she became our neighbor.

Her name was Edna Shimp and during the last year of her precious life we were honored to have her as our neighbor and friend.  Edna was born January 12, 1923 and went home to be with Jesus February 27, 2003, just two months before my husband's own mother went home to be with our Lord as well.  Edna's parents were Monnie Mae and Andrew S.M. Allen and she was the wife of Robert H. Shimp who is still currently with us, although he is not doing well. 

I just wanted to post my memories of her because the Lord brought her to my mind this morning and since this is just random thoughts I have from day to day, I thought it would be a nice addition to my blog.

First of all, she and Bob raised two adopted children.  Now you have to remember that God only brought her into our lives for a short time, so I don't know the whole story.  Anyhow, Allen (Utah) and Mary (Idaho) are both really neat people and have families of their own.  In fact Allen and his wife Casey are grandparents, which is truly a blessing.

Bob use to work for the forest industry, I can't remember exactly which part... I will try to visit him soon, I hope to clarify it and maybe get some pics.  Unfortunatly I can't remember if Edna had a profession or if she was just a stay at home mom.

One thing that I loved about Edna was her stories.  My favorite being the one about this beautiful yellow flower that she found growing in her yard.  Carefully, she dug up the grass around it and surrounded it with stones to create a pretty flower bed.  How she loved that flower and hoped it would live and possibly reproduce.  Later that evening, when her husband came home, he brought the flower into the house, roots and all and threw it in the trash.  It broke her heart and then he had to explain to her why he did it.  You see, that lovely flower was a dandilion, a weed.  She had no idea.  When she told the story she laughed and you could see that, even if not at the time, she had come to treasure that memory.

Edna was also a faithful prayer warrior.  I could feel her praying for us daily, throughout the day and I will forever be eternally grateful for those prayers.

One of her quarks was that, although being a devout Baptist Christian, she was a die hard Democrat.  Those two really don't go together and she loved raising eyebrows by proclaiming it.  In her heart, I believe that she was more of a republican but she loved raising people's ires.  She was one of the few people I could ever be my true self around, even though her hubby though I was a bit off, lol.  The two of us would drive her husband crazy with our silliness.  (Now I have Angie, Arnell, Caroline, Merri and Connie to do that with... Well, I suppose that list is too short because I actually have several friends and family like this, but these are the ones who live within five miles of me ^_^.  All around the world I have made some really wonderful friends and I feel so blessed by God.)

True friends are really hard to find but when you do find them, you know to treasure every moment with them.

One day I got a call from Edna.  She had been having some troubles with her heart and had to be picked up by paramedics at home.  None of us were prepared for what she had to say on her final trip home from the hospital.  She only had one week left to live.  I simply couldn't believe she had such a short time.  She was talking, walking and even able to crack jokes.  I went over to see her and other than being slightly pale and slightly thinner, she actually didn't look like she was so close to dying.  Even her own daughter told her to get a second opinion.  I simply couldn't believe that she would only have one more week to live and then she would die.... but I was wrong.  Each day she grew weaker and weaker as her body shut down.  Her friends, so many people whose lives she touched, came to see her off.

Now I am not one who deals with death well.  Every day I live knowing that one day, my son Andrew will die before my eyes because of his disability and it has made dealing with the death of others, nearly impossible for me to deal with, especially others whom I love so dearly, as I did my Idaho 'mom'.  I wanted to be with her but I simply could not bring myself to go to her house and watch her die.  Her daughter in law kept telling me that I needed to come but I was too frightened.  I couldn't lose her, not now, not yet.

Finally, Casey convinced me to come with the family.  It was probably our last chance.  This beautiful woman who was so loving, so fun and so wonderful, lay near death on her hospital bed, unable to eat, unable to talk and barely able to move.  I knew she wanted to hold my hand but I simply couldn't do more than kiss her cheek.  I was looking at death and I was too scared to deal with it.  I did tell her how much she meant to us and knew she would not make it to see the dawn.  Several times during the time we were there, she would almost die and then come back.  Eventually, we said our final farewell and went home.  The next morning, her husband Bob called to say that she passed on (I believe it was at around 2:30am).  Her family told me that she had been waiting for me to come.

I felt really bad about not coming earlier but it was too late to do anything about it by then.  Unfortunatly, I came down with a terrible flu which prevented me from attending her funeral.  It hurt her husband deeply that I didn't go but because his health was so fragile, I didn't want to risk contaminating him.  Instead, we went to view her body as soon as we could, before anyone else showed up, at the funeral home.  Over the speakers, over and over again, the beautiful melody of 'What A Friend We Have In Jesus' played.  Yes, that song was perfect for a woman like Edna.

Andrew Anderson

Now, I still mourn her death but I also look forward to the day when I will see her again and she promised me she would look after Andrew for me until I could join them, when it is his time to go to our Lord.  I know several people before and after her that I loved dearly who God has taken home but for someone whom I spent so little time with to have such a huge impact on my life, is simply beyond comprehension.  I often go and visit her grave and update her on the latest news of our family.  I know she was always very interested in our lives.  I also know that she can't literally hear us because her soul is no longer on this earth but I still like to talk to her from time to time because I miss spending time with her.

I can't believe that it has been seven years since she left us.  Tears still well up in my eyes because I miss her so much.  I know it will be the same with the rest of my 'Soul Family' (as I like to call those I adopt out here as my Idaho family) and my real family.

Grandpa Ralph Mauerhof
(I will probably do a dedication to Grandpa in another Post ^_^)

Today, I was fixing up some pictures of my grandfather (Ralph Mauerhof) who passed away last year.  His death was also very hard for me to handle.  I was doing good until I saw all the Face Book postings about him being gone before it really sunk in that I would never see him again here on earth.  When it sank in, I completely lost it.  Apparently, despite my beliefs and my knowledge of death and the number of loved ones I have had to say goodbye to, I still have a hard time dealing with losing loved one because it makes me remember that one day soon, my precious little boy will follow them before my time is over.... or at least that is assuming I live to a rightful old age.  I don't know what I will do when that time comes.  Even now, at the thought, my tears are creeping out on their own.  Tears I hide so as not to upset those in my house.  I know that I am not grieving alone.  We all grieve in our own way.  Most days I can face with a smile and a glass half full attitude, being grateful for each and every day that God gives me with that precious child but sometimes, I can't help but stop and remember how short our time with him will be.  I wonder, what more can I do to make sure that this little boy recieves ten life times of love and affection, without the rest of the family going without it too.

My last words... Cherish each and every moment of your life, both the good and the bad.  Know that through Christ all things are possible and without Him we can do nothing.  He has a reason for allowing everything to take place and through my experience with my son, God has drastically changed the lives of so many people for his glory.  To imagine this little boy who can only lay there and smile or cry can impact lives, just the same way my precious friend Edna, who was carismatic and outspoken did.  Each in their own beautiful way.

What a friend we have in Jesus!  All our sins and griefs to bear!  What a privilage it is to carry, everything to God in Prayer!

Blessing to you all <3

Sorry I don't have pictures for the main people mentioned in this blog.  If you have pictures of Edna or Pauline that you can pass along to me, it would be greatly appreciated.  ^_^


  1. Feel free to add comments to this post if you wish to talk about the people mentioned or people who have had a similar influence in your life. I love stories about these 'Heros' who have had the heart to love others, change lives and leave us leaving this world as quietly as they came, no fanfare or huge memorials, outside of our memories of them. The unsung heros.

  2. God has blessed you with so many blessings. The ones still with you and the ones you are going to see in Heaven. I have alot of friends too some walking with me and some watching over me. I do understand God has a reason for everything even if we don't understand why. I have had a few Edna's.. I losst my own day in a fire i saved him from without a singed hair but i wasn't quick enough getting him out of his burning house to save his life. I just know that The miracle wasn't for him to live it was for me not to die. I wouldn't come out of that house without him. God knew that. You can read my blog sometime too. I fall back on the same same song quite often it was one one of my grandmothers favorites. What a friend we have in Jesus..Bring everything to God in prayer. All things are possible.. with God. Now I am so sick my self and as bad as i hurt alot i look at it as a blessing if i didnt hurt i wouldn't be here. I am a new grandma only 37 and so grateful for everyday.. I thought your story was funny because i hate it when my husband cuts the grass and mows down the dandelions the are like little smiley faces to me. so he wlways leaves a little patch unmowed for me. Thanks for your story. It was a blessing today that i needed. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS LITTLE BOY and all the EDNA'S IN THE WORLD!!!


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