Friday, March 19, 2010

Sometimes I Puzzle Myself

I woke up this morning wondering how it is that I can still like people who have hurt me to the core. All I can chock it up to is that the Love of Christ within me keeps me from hating or disliking people. Now that doesn't mean that I don't hate or dislike situations, that is totally different. For Example, I hate it when someone hurts one of my kids or my husband, I get annoyed at solicitors, I dislike rush hour traffic and how some people drive, It hurts me when people take what I say and twist every word into a personal attack when it was nothing of the sort. I don't like it when people make fun of me or say rude things about me. I'm sure you get the idea. But despite these and other things, I still can't find it within myself to dislike or hate anyone. So, I guess that is just proof that having Christ in your heart and having a heart that completely and totally desires to be His and like him, proves that He is real and that He is with us and that He keeps his promises.


  1. Me too I am trying to focus on the good things in people knowing that I too probably bug others. You are a beautiful spirit. I guess that is the Holy spirit in you!!!

  2. Understand what you mean. Guess you're not the only one who feels like that. I guess you're the type who sees the good things in people. :), but don't bottle it all up too much!

  3. Nah, no bottling here. I might grieve with something but my ability to forgive people is part of what makes this possible. I simply can't hold a grudge and to be honest, I don't want to. It's very tiring to be angry and filled with resentment. It's much easier to forgive someone and move on. <3

  4. Hey, just so you know, each time you click on one of the ads on this blog, I make money. Hint Hint. You don't have to buy anything but if you want to help me out.....

  5. Please pray for me.Im having a hard time letting go of my past and the presant.I think people just like to hurt me sometimes.Net In TN

  6. Of course I will. I understand letting go of the past. I grew up with child abuse (parents are fine now) being hurt A LOT and other such things, even recent things. Learning how to forgive is so hard to do because we want to stay angry, even though it really hurts us more than it should. Even now, I am a mother of a severly disabled child and it was difficult to find peace with that and see what God had in mind for this precious child. You are in my thoughts and prayers and feel free to come back whenever you need more. Also I would love it if you added me to your profile. It helps to pray specifically, however, this is totally up to you.


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