Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is never easy.  Yet again, today, I had to say goodbye to another loved one, who passed away from cancer.  This is a story about a beautiful woman who made my marriage something to get a good giggle about.

My Aunt Nancy, my dad's youngest sister, passed away today.  Around sixteen years ago, she and my mother concocted a plan... A plan to find me a husband.  Well, ok, that is sort of funny but not rolling on the floor laughing funny.  No, they take it one step further and hooked me up with my Aunt's husband's younger brother.  Well, to make a long story short, I did marry my aunt's brother in law, now my husband which made my aunt my sister in law... confused yet.

Well, about a year ago or so, my husband and his brother's were having a 'Who is the Biggest Redneck' Contest, and if I remember correctly, we won. lol

Nancy had a hard life and she was so blessed to meet Roy, my husband's older brother.  Roy was truly a blessing to our family and also to Nancy.  I never knew a more patient and loving man.  Together they raised five beautiful daughters and Nancy came to know the Lord and now I know that she is dancing with him in Heaven. 

It makes me think of my sister.  I always say that I am the oldest and the oldest cousin on both sides of the family but I did have an older sister who lived only long enough to feel her mother's loving embrace before going home to Jesus.  I know Nancy is loving her up there and telling her all about her sisters and brothers who love her and her mommy and daddy who still love and miss her.  I know she is telling the Lord about our needs and the needs of all she loves.  I know that she is rejoicing and reuniting with those who have gone before her and that she now waits patiently in her brand new beautiful healthy body for us to meet her someday.

I know that I never said it enough, in fact not very often, but here is my final farewell.  Nancy, God Bless your beautiful soul.  You were such a beautiful blessing to me and I am so happy that we were able to spend the time we had with you.  Your generous heart, your loving ways and your sweet sense of humor will always be treasured.  Thank you for introducing me to my husband, I could never have someone that I could possibly love more than I love him.  Thank you for your love, thank you for your friendship and thank you for your generosity even when you had your own unmet needs.  I wish I could have said farewell in person but I understand your precious heart and why you left this world quietly. 

Dance with our Lord for me until I can do it myself.  When it is time for my beautiful little boy to come, I know you will recieve him with open loving arms and care for him until I can come and do it myself.  Say hello to Renee for me and give her my love as with all those we loved and knew.  You will be missed and you will always be loved.

Rest in the Loving arms of our Lord, my beautiful aunt, sister-in-law, sister in Christ and friend.  Until we meet again, our love and prayers are with those you left behind and those who loved you.

May the light of your beautiful heart shine on forever - Amen.


  1. If someone has a picture of Nancy I can add to this, please send it to me via email, so I can post it to this dedication. Thanks!

  2. Very touching and well said, Jen. Aunt Nan was a very strong and loving woman, I was blessed to have known her. I wish all of us here (especially my mom) could have gotten the chance to say goodbye, but I also understand why she left the way she did.

    Jen: I love you and I will hopfully be out there for Nan's farewell. *hugs*


  3. I wish that I could go but we are not able to.

  4. Thank you Jen, YOU are such a blessing to me and your dad! You reminded me that no matter what we see and think we know, there's always more and deeper truth to life. Nancy came to help me when my prenancy with Renee started to go bad; I know she's loving on her too. I love you, and your precious family beyond words.

  5. I love you all too!!! Thank you for loving me as well. My heart rejoices with the beautiful people that God has filled my life with.


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