Sunday, March 21, 2010

Diary of a Whimpy Kid?

Last night my son Josh and I went with his friend James and My friend Merri to go and see the movie 'Diary of a Whimpy Kid'.  Josh has been addicted to those books every since I bought one for him about a year ago in sheer desparation to get him to read.  I simply could not get that child to read to save my life.  However, he has read that series over and over again.  Now I will admit that I thought the movie would be really stupid, but because he wanted to see it sooooo badly after learning it was coming to theaters, I simply couldn't deny him.  I was amazed at how good the story actually was, although very adiquate for JR. High aged boys and slightly younger.  It did have it's gross moments, when it was too much for me to watch - you know, those moments that guys enjoy but girls wig out.  Anyhow, in whole I left feeling highly satisfied with the movie, which doesn't happen too often.  As many of you know, I can be overly critical with books, movies and television shows.  So for me to leave a theater completely satisfied with the story in general, even if not everything appealed to me personally, is rare.  It is a great coming of age story and I would highly recommend it to anyone.  I'm not sure if I will read the books, I prefer stories that are just a little more grown up but I would definitly take the time to see a sequel if one is made.

One last word, I'm not so sure the kid was whimpy.  He was more of a little ungrateful snot.  Whimpy would suggest cowardness but in his own way he was more of a little jerk to his friends and those around them.  Still, he learned a valuable lesson about his attitude so I suppose I could over look the title. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. FYI, no that is not our cat. It's just a picture I used off of the internet ^_^


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